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New HubSpot CMS design study case




HubSpot COS, why now it's the time!

HubSpot studies show that clients who buy COS websites with their marketing package have a much lower churn rates that the ones with their webs out of the platform.

HubSpot incorporates all your online marketing needs in just one platform. As well as easily integrating with other applications, it helps us to create advanced Inbound marketing strategies such as creating and editing content on our pages thanks to the CMS integrated COS (content optimization system).

The COS allows us to host our website within the Hubspot platform with the added value this gives us: we can forget about platform updates, security issues, data backup, access speed and complete integration with our marketing tool. However, the COS has had a major drawback for many years when compared with other CMS platforms on the market: there was no database feature, greatly limiting the editing possibilities for dynamic pages, something so important for a website nowadays. Working with HubSpot guarantees that the development team continuously works to improve their suite, as in last October when HubSpot announced the much awaited feature to work with a database which has turned the COS into one of the top players on the CMS market.

So let’s review the differences between Hubspot and other CMS platforms. With the COS we have the possibility to create and edit our own personalized templates, to easily adapt them to the needs of our pages and landing pages, without having to have an extensive knowledge of coding.

Some advantages that HubSpot COS currently includes, when creating our own templates, compared to other CMS on the market are:


Talk to us and learn how a specialized team can help you get the best out of HubSpot CMS